Weekend Predate
Friday, June 28, 2024
Mark 5:21-43
I See You!
Leading in Worship:
Edward Beddingfield, Pastor
Meredith Lanier Craddock, Associate Pastor
Anne McClain, Organist
Mariamarta Conrad, Scripture Reader, Song Leader, & Soloist
Wayne Smith and Earl Savage, Technicians
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Zoom Link:
9:00 a.m.
Mrs. Cherry will lead the class this week.
Family Life Center (Youth Building)
Mrs. Meredith will lead the class this week.
9:00 a.m.
Led this week by Mrs. Erin Turlington
(during the 10 a.m. Worship service)
No Kids' Church during the month
of July.
Among the Items to be Considered at the Business Meeting:
(1) Recommendation from Deacons to disaffiliate from Baptist State Convention and Little River Baptist Association;
(2) Recommendation from Properties Committee with the concurrence of the Deacons to proceed with demolition of Lanier Property buildings.
We are excited to have two of our youth, Campbell Rouse and Lee Williams, attending Governor’s School this summer! We want them to feel loved while they are away. Their addresses are posted on the Missions Bulletin Board if you would like to send them a note. |
Would you like to Adopt a Passport Camper this summer?
We have 4 students and 3 chaperones attending camp the week of July 14-19.
They are: Madison Godwin, Grant Johnston, Emily Karlinski, Ellie Rich;
Meredith Craddock, Sonya and Chad Godwin.
If you are interested in sending a snack or writing a card, please contact
Sonya Godwin (919-616-7508 or chadandsonya@yahoo.com).
Thank you so much for all the love and support you give MBC Youth!
For June, we are collecting:
Washcloths, Bar Soap and Body Wash .
For July, we are collecting:
POP-TOP Canned Food Items
such as ravioli, tuna, beef stew, Vienna sausages, vegetables, fruit, etc. (no plastic containers).
* Please make sure the expiration date is after December 2024. * |
Place items in the plastic tote in the hallway.
We also welcome monetary donations to go toward the purchase of backpacks
and Bibles. Designate your donation as ‘Backpacks.’
Volunteer teachers are needed for Kids' Church
AND Nursery on Sunday mornings.
The sign up sheet is located on the bulletin board.
Your help is much needed and appreciated!
Harnett Food Pantry
Collecting for June
- Applesauce -
Collecting for July
- Canned Fruit Cocktail -
Egg cartons are also appreciated.
Monetary donations to Memorial Baptist Church are also welcome.
Please designate your contribution as ‘Food Pantry.’
Collecting Nab Crackers
[either cheese with cheese or cheese with peanut butter]
Monetary donations to Memorial Baptist Church are also welcome.
Please designate your contribution as ‘Buddy Backpack.’
Thank you for your continued support of the ministries of Memorial Baptist Church. |