Memorial’s Library Committee has taken on the challenge to clean and organize the church’s library. Some improvements being made are:
· Discard old and worn-out books
· Obtain new books (or nearly new) through donations
· Create a simple checkout system
· Clean out and organize cabinets
· Work with Director of Stokes in introducing the library experience to children.
The children’s books have been a focus in past weeks and new books have been added.
FREE BOOKS! As books are discarded, they will be placed on the rolling cart in the front hall. Please take what you want!
For more information, please contact any of the Library Committee members: Derek Hogan, Beverley Howard, Borrée Kwok, Lisa Lanier, Donna Penny, Jac Whatley, Kathy Whatley.
A special thanks to Beverley Howard and Lalia Turlington for their efforts in obtaining recently donated books.
Stay tuned!